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Impressions in Marketing

Impressions in marketing

What Are Impressions?

Impressions in digital marketing refer to any time your listing appears on a page, whether consciously read or not.

Forms of Marketing

Organic Marketing: Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) 

This refers to all forms of digital marketing that is not directly paid. If you’re not paying per click, or per ad, then it’s organic marketing. More specifically this covers work done to your actual website to improve its ranking power as per Google’s ranking factors. It also aims to increase the number of other websites linking to your site, which in turn increases those impressions.

Paid Marketing – Search Engine Marketing (SEM) 

The opposite of organic marketing, this covers marketing that you do pay for, such as Google AdWords. You generally pay per click, which means you are only paying when someone successfully clicks. Conversations may be of lesser quality, but when used in combination with organic marketing you can hold an extra position on the search results page.

Social – Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest 

Pretty self-explanatory this one, but the focus is on customer engagement through social streams. Facebook and Instagram are a must in this day and age. Instagram is particularly popular in the building industry. A good starting point may be to post at least 2-3 times a week. This can be a progress shot of your job, a shot of a staff member, the local area. People like photos that simply look great or show off something technical. Your aim is to tell a story and engage with your followers. Do this successfully and the followers will come.

Sign up for a free tool called Hootsuite. It allows you to schedule posts in advance, which can take the pressure off. Spend a day a month compiling a nice, varied document with your posts and schedule them out into Hootsuite. It certainly saves forgetting!


Print Marketing – business cards, vehicle wrapping, stationary, flyers etc 

Everyone can understand this one! Traditional marketing is still effective, although certain forms less so. If the choice is between social and letter-box drops, choose social. The staples of your business, business cards, vehicle wrapping, email signature, uniform should remain priorities. Ensure that they tell the same story of your brand. Quality and consistency make a difference.


Example of Print Marketing – Business Cards, Letter Heads, and Stationary featuring the consistent message of the business.


Every impression your business receives, increases the likelihood of a conversion. Repeat exposure to a business or brand encourages customers and clients to engage with it. For best results, ensure your message is consistent across all platforms!