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Understanding SEO Definitions: A Comprehensive Guide to Common Terms

In today’s digital landscape, agencies rely heavily on data-driven insights to make informed decisions and deliver exceptional results for their clients. When it comes to website performance and SEO, agencies need to monitor a variety of metrics to gauge effectiveness and identify areas for improvement. In this blog, we will explore key metrics that business owners should prioritize when analyzing website performance and backlink profiles.

Website Performance Overview

Performance score – This refers to how quickly a website loads on a web browser. It also encompasses factors such as usability, interactivity, and reliability, which collectively determine the overall quality of the website’s performance.

Accessibility score – This score measures how well a website accommodates users with various disabilities. It ensures that all users can perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with the website, regardless of their specific needs.

Best practice score – The SEO Score is an assessment of how effectively the user-facing and technical aspects of your website contribute to search engine optimization. It evaluates the adherence to industry best practices and indicates the potential for higher rankings and organic traffic.

SEO score – This term is synonymous with the above-mentioned best practice score. It evaluates the overall SEO effectiveness of a website.

Backlinks Overview

New links – This refers to the total number of newly acquired backlinks during a specific period. Backlinks play a crucial role in SEO, as they are links from external websites that point back to your site, indicating its popularity and credibility.

Total backlinks – This metric indicates the overall number of backlinks your website has acquired from other websites. A higher number of backlinks generally signifies greater authority and relevance.

Citation Flow – This measure determines the potential influence of a URL based on the number of websites linking to it. A higher citation flow score suggests that the URL carries significant weight in terms of authority.

SEMrush authority score – The authority score is a comprehensive metric that assesses the overall quality and credibility of a website or webpage. A higher authority score indicates that outbound links from the domain or webpage could potentially carry more weight and influence.

SEMrush backlinks – This represents the total number of backlinks based on data from SEMrush, a popular SEO tool. It provides insights into the backlink profile of a website.

SEMrush referring domains – The referring domains report provides a list of all the domains that link back to the queried domain. It offers valuable information about the websites that contribute to the backlink profile of the analyzed domain.

By familiarizing yourself with these SEO definitions, you’ll be better equipped to understand and leverage the insights provided in SEO reports.


Monitoring and analyzing key metrics related to website performance and backlink profiles is vital for agencies to drive success in the digital realm. Performance scores, accessibility scores, and best practice scores offer insights into the overall quality of a website’s performance and its SEO effectiveness.

Meanwhile, tracking new and total backlinks, citation flow, SEMrush authority score, SEMrush backlinks, and referring domains helps agencies evaluate the strength and influence of a website’s backlink profile.

By leveraging these key metrics, business owners can make data-driven decisions, optimize their strategies, and achieve outstanding results.