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Blog-writing Made Simple – 8 Key Blog Templates to Use When Writing Content


In the context of providing strategies to clients in view of empowering them to generate content internally, Advantage Agency supports and guides in writing well-structured, straightforward content that is optimised for SEO. This article will delve into the utilisation of blog templates, an essential base for structuring content effectively.

Introduction to Blog Templates

In the digital age, where content is king, the ability to craft well-structured, engaging, and SEO-friendly articles is crucial for any brand aiming to improve its online presence. Blog templates serve as a blueprint for creating consistent and impactful content that not only resonates with your audience but also aligns with search engine algorithms to enhance visibility.

Advantage Agency provides an array of blog templates designed to cater to various content needs, from educating your audience about your services to sharing insights on industry trends. These templates are tailored to ensure that your internal teams can produce content that is both informative and engaging, thereby fostering a stronger connection with your target audience while supporting your SEO efforts.

Utilising Blog Templates for Effective Content Creation

  1. Understand Your Audience: Before diving into writing, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of who your audience is. This understanding will guide the tone, style, and content of your articles to ensure they meet the needs and interests of your readers.
  2. Select the Right Template: Choose a template that best fits the intent of your content, whether it’s to inform, educate, compare, or guide your audience. Each template is designed with a specific purpose in mind, ensuring that your content achieves its desired impact.
  3. Tailor the Template: While templates provide a solid structure, customising the content to reflect your brand’s voice and message is key. Tailoring the template to include relevant examples, case studies, and data will make your content more relatable and engaging.
  4. Optimise for SEO: Incorporate targeted keywords throughout your article to enhance its visibility on search engines. However, ensure that the inclusion of keywords feels natural and does not compromise the quality of your content.
  5. Include Calls-to-Action: Encourage your readers to take action, whether it’s subscribing to a newsletter, downloading a guide, or contacting your team for more information. Effective calls-to-action can significantly increase conversion rates.
  6. Review and Revise: Before publishing, review your article to ensure it’s clear, concise, and free of errors. A well-written piece reflects positively on your brand and can significantly improve reader engagement.

Advantage Agency’s blog templates are an invaluable resource for businesses looking to enhance their content creation process. By following these guidelines and utilising the templates effectively, your internal teams can produce high-quality, SEO-optimised content that drives engagement and supports your overall marketing strategy.

Example Blog Templates

“How to” Blog Template

Guides the reader through a series of steps to achieve a specific goal. It’s ideal for instructional content.

When to use this template

Use this template when you want to teach your audience how to use a new product or service, or when you’re providing a step-by-step guide to solving a common problem related to your industry.

Title: “How to [Achieve a Specific Goal]”


  • Introduce the topic and explain why it’s important or useful.
  • Provide a brief overview of the steps that will be covered in the article.

Step 1: [Specific Action]

  • Explain in detail how to perform the first step of achieving the goal.
  • Include any relevant information, such as resources or tools needed.
  • Provide an example or demonstration to help readers visualise the process.

Step 2: [Specific Action]

  • Repeat the process for the second step.
  • Provide additional tips or warnings to help readers avoid common mistakes.

Step 3: [Specific Action]

  • Repeat the process for the third step.
  • Include a photo or video to help readers understand the process better.


  • Summarise the steps that were covered in the article.
  • Encourage readers to take action and achieve their goal.
  • Provide additional resources or links for readers who want to learn more.

“Listicle” Blog Template

Presents information in a list format, making it easily digestible. Listicles are perfect for highlighting the best, worst, most interesting, etc., aspects of a topic.

When to use this template

This format works well for showcasing product recommendations, top strategies for business improvement, or any topic that can be divided into a ranked or unranked list to engage readers.

Title: “Top [Number] [Subject] for [Specific Purpose or Audience]”


  • Introduce the topic and explain why it’s useful or relevant to the audience.
  • Provide a brief overview of the list and what readers can expect to learn.

List Item 1: [Specific Subject]

  • Provide a brief description of the first item on the list.
  • Include any relevant information, such as price or availability.
  • Provide a link or reference for readers who want to learn more.

List Item 2: [Specific Subject]

Repeat the process for the second item on the list.

List Item 3: [Specific Subject]

Repeat the process for the third item on the list.


  • Summarise the list and the key takeaways.
  • Provide additional resources or links for readers who want to learn more.

“Ultimate Guide” Blog Template

Offers a comprehensive overview of a particular subject. It’s designed to be an all-encompassing resource.

When to use this template

When you aim to establish authority on a subject, such as “The Ultimate Guide to SEO” or when providing an exhaustive resource on a complex topic that can benefit from a deep dive.

Title: “The Ultimate Guide to [Specific Subject]”


  • Introduce the topic and explain why it’s important or useful.
  • Provide a brief overview of the guide and what readers can expect to learn.

Section 1: Overview

  • Provide a general introduction to the subject, including its history and key concepts.
  • Include any relevant information, such as statistics or current trends.
  • Provide a list of resources or references for readers who want to learn more.

Section 2: [Specific Topic]

  • Provide a detailed explanation of a specific topic related to the subject.
  • Include any relevant information, such as best practices or common mistakes.
  • Provide a list of resources or references for readers who want to learn more.

Section 3: [Specific Topic]

Repeat the process for a second topic related to the subject.

Section 4: [Specific Topic]

Repeat the process for a third topic related to the subject.


  • Summarise the key takeaways from the guide.
  • Provide additional resources or links for readers who want to learn more.
  • Encourage readers to take action and continue learning about the subject.

“Devil’s Advocate” Blog Template

Challenges common beliefs or opinions by presenting counterarguments. This type of blog encourages readers to think critically about a subject.

When to use this template

Suitable for topics where there’s a prevailing consensus or popular opinion that you believe oversimplifies an issue or overlooks valuable perspectives.

Title: “Why [Controversial Opinion] is Not Always the Best Choice”


  • Introduce the topic and explain the commonly held belief or opinion that the article will challenge.
  • Provide a brief overview of the arguments that will be presented in the article.

Argument 1: [Counterpoint]

  • Present the first argument against the commonly held belief or opinion.
  • Provide evidence or examples to support the argument.
  • Address any counterarguments or objections to the argument.

Argument 2: [Counterpoint]

  • Present the second argument against the commonly held belief or opinion.
  • Provide evidence or examples to support the argument.
  • Address any counterarguments or objections to the argument.

Argument 3: [Counterpoint]

  • Present the third argument against the commonly held belief or opinion.
  • Provide evidence or examples to support the argument.
  • Address any counterarguments or objections to the argument.


  • Summarise the arguments presented in the article.
  • Acknowledge that the commonly held belief or opinion may still have value in certain situations.
  • Encourage readers to consider all sides of the issue and make informed decisions.

“VS” Blog Template

Compares two or more items, ideas, or strategies, highlighting the pros and cons of each to help readers make informed decisions.

When to use this template

Great for product comparisons, such as “Mac vs. PC: Which is Right for You?” or when debating different approaches to a business strategy.

Title: “[Option 1] vs [Option 2]: Which is Right for You?”


  • Introduce the topic and explain the two options that will be compared in the article.
  • Provide a brief overview of the key differences and similarities between the options.

Option 1: [Description and Pros]

  • Provide a detailed description of the first option.
  • List the pros and benefits of choosing this option.
  • Include any relevant information, such as price or availability.

Option 2: [Description and Pros]

  • Provide a detailed description of the second option.
  • List the pros and benefits of choosing this option.
  • Include any relevant information, such as price or availability.


  • Summarise the key differences and similarities between the options.
  • Provide a recommendation for which option may be best for different types of people or situations.
  • Encourage readers to do their own research and make a decision that is right for them.

“What” Blog Template

Explains what a specific subject is and why it’s important, providing readers with a foundational understanding.

When to use this template

Ideal for introducing new concepts or technologies to your audience, or when you want to build foundational knowledge before delving into more complex topics.

Title: “What is [Specific Subject] and Why is it Important?”


  • Introduce the topic and explain what the specific subject is.
  • Provide a brief overview of the key points that will be covered in the article.

Section 1: Overview

  • Provide a general introduction to the subject, including its history and key concepts.
  • Include any relevant information, such as statistics or current trends.
  • Provide a list of resources or references for readers who want to learn more.

Section 2: Applications

  • Explain the different ways that the subject is used or applied in real-world situations.
  • Include any relevant information, such as best practices or common mistakes.
  • Provide a list of resources or references for readers who want to learn more.

Section 3: Impact

  • Explain the potential impact that the subject has on different aspects of life, such as society, the economy, or the environment.
  • Include any relevant information, such as current research or policies.
  • Provide a list of resources or references for readers who want to learn more.


  • Summarise the key takeaways from the article.
  • Encourage readers to take action and learn more about the subject.
  • Provide additional resources or links for readers who want to learn more.

“Why” Blog Template

Discusses the reasons behind a subject’s importance, focusing on its impact and implications.

When to use this template

Use this template to discuss the significance of industry trends, the rationale behind best practices, or to advocate for changes in your field.

Title: “Why [Specific Subject] Matters: Understanding the Impact and Implications”


  • Introduce the topic and explain the specific subject that will be discussed in the article.
  • Provide a brief overview of the key points that will be covered in the article.

Section 1: Background

  • Explain the history and development of the subject.
  • Include any relevant information, such as statistics or current trends.
  • Provide a list of resources or references for readers who want to learn more.

Section 2: Implications

  • Explain the potential impact that the subject has on different aspects of life, such as society, the economy, or the environment.
  • Include any relevant information, such as current research or policies.
  • Provide a list of resources or references for readers who want to learn more.

Section 3: Solutions

  • Discuss potential solutions or actions that can be taken to address the impact or implications of the subject.
  • Include any relevant information, such as best practices or successful examples.
  • Provide a list of resources or references for readers who want to learn more.


  • Summarise the key takeaways from the article.
  • Encourage readers to take action and learn more about the subject.
  • Provide additional resources or links for readers who want to learn more.

“How to with method” Blog Template

Similar to the “How to” blog but focuses on achieving a goal through a specific method or approach, providing a more targeted guide.

When to use this template

This format is excellent when promoting a unique methodology your business uses or when detailing a niche approach to solving problems that your audience faces.

Title: “How to [Achieve a Specific Goal] with [Specific Method or Approach]”


  • Introduce the topic and explain why it’s important or useful.
  • Provide a brief overview of the specific method or approach that will be covered in the article.
  • Provide a brief overview of the steps that will be covered in the article.

Step 1: [Specific Action]

  • Explain in detail how to perform the first step of achieving the goal using the specific method or approach.
  • Include any relevant information, such as resources or tools needed.
  • Provide an example or demonstration to help readers visualise the process.

Step 2: [Specific Action]

  • Repeat the process for the second step.
  • Provide additional tips or warnings to help readers avoid common mistakes.

Step 3: [Specific Action]

  • Repeat the process for the third step.
  • Include a photo or video to help readers understand the process better.


  • Summarise the steps that were covered in the article.
  • Encourage readers to take action and achieve their goal using the specific method or approach.
  • Provide additional resources or links for readers who want to learn more.

In the vast expanse of digital content, standing out requires not only creativity but also a strategic approach to content creation. The “Example Blog Templates” provided above offer a versatile toolkit for crafting articles that resonate with your audience, regardless of your industry or niche. Whether you’re demystifying complex topics, comparing products, introducing new concepts, or challenging conventional wisdom, these templates serve as a foundation upon which to build engaging, informative, and thought-provoking content.

By understanding when and how to employ each of these templates, you can more effectively communicate with your audience, providing them with the value and insight they seek. From the instructional depth of a “How to” article to the comparative analysis of a “VS” blog, each template caters to different reader preferences and information-seeking behaviours. Leveraging these templates allows you to cater to a broader audience while maintaining a consistent quality and structure in your writing.

Remember, the ultimate goal of your content is not just to inform but to engage, inspire, and provoke action. Whether you aim to educate, entertain, persuade, or all three, the key is to align your content with the interests and needs of your audience. With these blog templates as your guide, you’re well-equipped to create content that not only ranks well in search engines but also builds a deeper connection with your readers. If you want to dive deeper into the realm of writing quality content, be sure to check out our definitive SEO content-writing guide.

As you continue to develop your content strategy, keep these templates in mind as a resource to streamline your writing process, enhance your SEO efforts, and ultimately, elevate your brand’s digital presence. Happy writing!