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Four Effective Ways to Enhance your Digital Marketing Strategy

Four Effective Ways to Enhance your Digital Strategy

These days, an effective digital presence is an integral part of any company’s success and no matter what kind of venture you start, a solid online strategy is a must; from the social sharing power unleashed by platforms such as Twitter and Facebook to the myriad of brand recognition solutions available through enhancing your Digital Marketing, the benefits for your business can be enormous.

While there are many business owners out there who believe their business is doing quite well without a comprehensive online strategy – the fact is that marketing has changed and consumers are now used to looking to online sources as a trusted resource.

For example, in a recent study 92% of consumers indicated having high levels of trust in peer recommendations with 70% of global consumers advising that online consumer reviews are the second most trusted form of advertising*.

While it can be tough to know what your business needs as far as building an effective digital presence, it doesn’t need to be overly difficult providing you keep a few key things in mind.

Have a Great Website:

Your website is one of the most important factors in building a solid online strategy; it’s the first thing people see when searching your business online and it goes a long way toward giving potential clients a positive first impression.

Be sure to keep clutter to a minimum and always be sure to keep things quick and easy to navigate; keep in mind also that mobile marketing is one of the most important ways to reach out these days, and be sure to keep things responsive.

Know your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation):

There are a few basic principles to follow when implementing a solid SEO strategy, yet many business owners find themselves at a loss to be able to interpret and implement the proper search engine optimisation techniques without difficulty.

High-performing keywords or phrases are vital, particularly as they are the specific search terms that clients will use to locate you and your products or services online; striking an excellent balance as far as density is also paramount as search engines these days are very likely to penalise websites for negative digital strategies such as ‘keyword stuffing’ (loading your web page with lots of key words and meta tags, and repetition of these words hidden in the background or around the site) by banishing your site to virtual obscurity.

In fact, there are a number of questionable SEO practices that businesses engage in, many without even realising they’re crossing the line that can leave businesses struggling to rank for years to come due to crucial SEO mistakes.

So what’s the best thing for SEO?


Blogs are an online marketer’s dream, from offering up valuable information to help you build a genuine connection with clients to building a wealth of high-quality inbound links (other websites which post your information and generate traffic to your website), a blog can do so much for your venture’s online strategy.

When starting your blog, remember that solid and genuine content is so important; as well as updating frequently to keep visitors engaged and intrigue potential clients, maintaining an informative, up-to-date blog goes a long way toward SEO success.

Social Media:

Social Media gives you an important opportunity to open up and enjoy genuine connections with your customer base, allowing you to engage in a way that really shows off the personality of your brand.

Depending on what business you’re in and who your target market is, there are a variety of Social Media platforms that may work for you; from Facebook to LinkedIn, Twitter or Pinterest, many of today’s platforms are not only home to massive traffic, they all cater to their own specific demographic.

While getting the platform correct may be tricky, once you do you can connect with clients in a more engaging way than was ever previously possible; from starting conversations and getting to know them better to running contests and even fielding customer complaints, Social Media marketing is an essential part of any digital marketing strategy.

There are many vital points to consider when introducing your venture to the digital landscape; keeping these aspects of your online marketing strategy in mind will help you build a formidable digital presence which can not only help you enhance your business but increase your customer base as well.